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Saco/Dayton Little League

Tournament Team Selection Policy


Majors and Minors Divisions 


This policy was reviewed and approved by the board  in January 2023.

Each year, Saco/Dayton Little League provides players the opportunity to participate in Little League sanctioned All-Star Tournaments. The purpose of the All-Star teams is to obtain experience in a more competitive atmosphere. The selection process is designed to put the most competitive teams together in order to compete in Little League sponsored tournaments.

Saco/Dayton Little League aims to field the most qualified, competitive team for each Division of Play for All-Star Tournaments. Accordingly, not all players interested in playing All-Stars, or who submit a Candidate Letter of Intent may be selected to a team.

ELIGIBILITY – In order for a player to be eligible for a Saco/Dayton Little League All-Star team, they must have participated in a minimum of sixty percent (60%) of their teams’ regular season games during the current season. Players must have demonstrated exemplary skills, aptitude and attitude during the regular season. Though players may be eligible for multiple teams, they may only ultimately be rostered on one team.

TOURNAMENT TEAM MANAGER (TTM) ELIGIBILITY – In order for a coach to be eligible to manage a tournament team, they must have served as a regular season manager or named assistant coach in the involved division, or a division higher than the involved division. The board of directors will accept nominations leading up to the May Board Meeting where a secret ballot board vote will be held. If there is only one candidate, the board may vote to approve or seek to recruit a more qualified candidate.

TOURNAMENT TEAMS – Saco/Dayton Little League will aim to submit a minimum of two Tournament Teams each Season and the selection for these teams will be done in the following order.

1. Majors Team – (Open to 10-12-Year-Old players that played in the Majors Division for the current season)

This team will be eligible to compete for a District Championship, State Championship, Regional Championship and Little League World Series.

2. Minors Team  - (Open to 8-10 Year Old players that played in the Minors/Majors Divisions for the current season)

This team will be eligible to compete for a District Championship, State Championship, and Regional Championship.

In addition, each season the board will also entertain the possibility of fielding up to two additional Tournament Teams

3. Minors B Team – (Open to 8-10-Year-Old players that played in the Minors/Majors Divisions for the current season)

This team will be eligible to compete in the same tournaments as the Minors Team but will provide an opportunity for an introduction to tournament play for more players if the board deems a competitive team could be fielded with the remaining eligible and interested player candidates.

4. Majors 9-11-Year-Old Team – (Open to 9-11-Year-Old players that played in the Minors/Majors Divisions) This team will be eligible to compete for a District Championship, State Championship and be invited to a Regional Invitational Tournament


COMMITMENT LETTER The Player Agent will send out a Letter of Commitment to parents and players three weeks before the district meeting. This letter will explain the Tournament Team process, eligibility and dates of the respective tournaments. This letter will explain that a second (B) team may be possible in the Minors division, based on available candidates. The letter will also explain the benefits of playing on the “B” Team. Additionally, a commitment will be requested from players who qualify for more than one team (10 year olds playing up.) These players will be asked what team they wish to be considered for. (Majors, Minors or 9-11-Year-Old Team) They may opt to be eligible for all teams or state their intention to be eligible for only one or two teams. Based on this commitment, their names will be placed on the appropriate ballot(s).

SELECTION PROCESS – Player Agent will prepare a ballot of all committed eligible players and the Selection Process will be as outlined below:

  1. Player Vote - Player Agent and/or Division VP will provide the ballot to all division players. Players will vote for the top 5 players on the ballot. A player may vote for players from any team, including his/her own and may vote for themselves.
  2. Manager Vote – Player Agent and/or Division VP will provide the ballot to all division managers. Managers will rank all players on the ballot. (1st choice is 1, 2nd choice is 2, etc.) Managers may seek input from their assistant coaches but are not required to do so. A meeting will be convened to discuss and develop a consensus Top 15; attended by all Division Managers, Division Player Agent, and the President. (If the President or Division VP is the TTM, the president will select another board member to fill this role.)
  3. Player Selections – The top 5 candidates from the player vote will fill the first 5 spots on the team (as long as the top 5 players are on the Managers’ Consensus Top 10) In the case of a tie, the first 4 choices will be added to the team.
  4. Manager Selections – The Managers’ selections will be used to fill spots 6-11 on the team. In the case of a tie for the 11th spot, the TTM will choose the 11th player along with their discretionary picks.
  5. TTM Discretionary Selections – The TTM will select the final 1 or 2 players depending on the desired team size of 12 or 13 players.

CRITERIA FOR CHALLENGING A SELECTION – The TTM may appeal the appropriateness of a player selected to the team. This appeal will be made to the President, Division VP, and Player Agent. That group may seek input about the player in question from the player’s regular season coach, other coaches, or umpires. The President, Division VP, and Player Agent will have the final vote regarding retention or removal of the player from consideration. The criteria for challenging a player would be as follows: 1. Sportsmanship, conduct or attitude 2. Player skill level would create a danger to themselves or others 3. Player commitment/availability has substantially changed since signing the Commitment Letter.

ANNOUNCEMENT OF TOURNAMENT TEAM – All ballot results shall always remain confidential throughout the process. All players that were on the ballot will receive a message from the respective division player agent, letting each know that they were or were not selected at the same date/time as agreed by board for announcement.  After all players have been messaged by Player Agent, then the TTM will reach out to those selected and the teams will be posted on the Saco/Dayton LL website. Typically, these results would be after June 1st and no later than 1 week prior to final date of the season.

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